Imagine for a second that it’s late April in MN and it’s a balmy 50 degrees. The snow has almost melted, and you are thinking about that big landscaping project you planned last Fall in preparations for the big graduation party you plan on throwing in early June. You figure if you start now, you’ve got a couple of months still to get everything knocked out. There is just one problem…..if you live in your typical residential neighborhood, you probably won’t even be able to get those materials on your property until mid to late May!
The reason is that MN has Spring Load Restrictions that take effect each year from around early March to mid-May as we are beginning to thaw out from the brutal Winter. It’s done to protect the investment that local state and county agencies make each year in our roads and highways. The thaw caused by the warmer temperatures creates a high level of moisture in the gravel under the roadbeds, which makes them more susceptible to damage. Typically, the weight restrictions for vulnerable roads are 5 tons per axle. To see which roads fall under the restrictions, visit the MnDOT website.
Due to these restrictions, it’s always a great idea to get a jump start on planning out your projects early and make sure you have your materials on site when the weather warms up and you are ready to get to work! It’s a great time to connect with materials providers like Plaisted Companies who are in their slower seasons during the Winter months. You’ll undoubtedly see a large increase in demand for these kinds of services when the restrictions are lifted, and you may experience unwanted delays in being able to execute your plans! Think Spring in the Winter and let Plaisted Companies help you out, whether it be mapping out a home landscaping project or getting materials onsite for construction projects.