Fill Sand
Unwashed screened fill sand is good for filling in and raising elevations. Fill sand is primarily used as a base material for concrete because it compacts so well. It is also commonly used to fill large holes.

Concrete sand is washed and screened sand. It’s a great base material for concrete slabs, installing paving stones, traction sand for driveways and sidewalks and also mixing with topsoil and mulch to create a topdressing material for planting lawns.

Mason Sand is often referred to as an all-purpose sand, as it has many different functions and capabilities. Mason sand is a fine graded sand that can be used as an infill between cracks of pavers, fill material, paver base, beach sand, sandbox material, volleyball courts and as a leveling agent.

Our topdressing sand is washed and screened and is commonly used for playgrounds, beaches and topdressing turf. There are many benefits of topdressing your lawn. Topdressing regularly can smooth out bumps caused by worm castings and encourages a dense, lush lawn.