Colors may vary

Rip-Rap Granite
Size: Varies
Color: Gray
For exact color, size, and availability, please call or stop in.

Rip-Rap Limestone
Size: Varies
Color: Buff
For exact color, size, and availability, please call or stop in.

Dresser Rip-Rap Boulders
Size: Varies
Color: Gray/Blue
For exact color, size, and availability, please call or stop in.

Gold Mulch

Red Mulch

Western Mulch

Hardwood Mulch

Brown Mulch

Northern Cedar Chips

Playground Chips

Black Mulch

Norther Cedar Mulch

Cyprus Mulch
Mulch adds much more than a clean finishing touch to your landscape. Natural wood base mulches provide protection against the cold and the heat of our seasons. It’s also great for water retention, which means less watering for you. Replenishing mulch annually is a great way to maintain healthy microbial activity in landscapes.
Our mulch is sold in bulk. We’ll fill your trailer, or we can deliver within our local market area.
PEA GRAVEL (Buckshot)
The easy, affordable way to create a patio, fire ring, walkway, or playground. Pea gravel is resilient to the elements, provides natural drainage and doesn’t retain heat. Plus, it offers design flexibility.
See our landscape rock and mulch on display at our outdoor showroom. Hardscapes are available through our Landscape Supply Store.